Source code for ceedub.wavelet

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Continuous wavelet transform and support functions
based on Torrence and Compo 1998 (T&C)


from __future__ import (absolute_import, division,
                        print_function, unicode_literals)

import numpy as np

from scipy.signal import fftconvolve as _fftconv
from scipy.special import gamma as _gam

_SQRT2 = np.sqrt(2.)

[docs]def cwt(tdat, dt=1): """Compute the continuous wavelet transform, using the default ``WaveletBasis``. If you plan on doing several CWTs in the same basis you should consider initializing a ``WaveletBasis`` object and using: ``WaveletBasis.cwt``. :param tdat: shape ``(N,)`` array of real, time domain data :param dt: sample cadence of data, needed for normalization of transforms :returns: wdat shape ``(M,N)`` array of complex, wavelet domain data. ``M`` is the number of scales used in the transform, and ``N`` is the length of the input time domain data. """ WB = WaveletBasis(N=len(tdat), dt=dt) return WB.cwt(tdat)
[docs]def icwt(wdat, dt=1): """Compute the inverse continuous wavelet transform, using the default ``WaveletBasis``. If the forward transform was performed in a different basis, then this function will give incorrect output! If you plan on doing several ICWTs in the same basis you should seriously consider initializing a ``WaveletBasis`` object and using: ``WaveletBasis.cwt`` and WaveletBasis.icwt``. :param wdat: shape ``(M,N)`` array of complex, wavelet domain data. ``M`` is the number of frequency scales, and ``N`` is the number of time samples. :returns: tdat shape ``(N,)`` array of real, time domain data """ WB = WaveletBasis(N=wdat.shape[1], dt=dt) return WB.icwt(wdat)
[docs]def cwtfreq(N, dt=1): """Output the Fourier frequencies of the scales used in the default ``WaveletBasis``. :param N: number of time samples in the time domain data. :param dt: sample cadence of data returns: shape ``(M,)`` array of frequencies """ WB = WaveletBasis(N=N, dt=dt) return WB.freqs
[docs]class WaveletBasis(object): """An object setting up a CWT basis for forward and inverse transforms of data using the same sample rate and frequency scales. At initialization given N, dt, and dj, the scales will be computed from the ``_get_scales`` function based on the Nyquist period of the wavelet and the length of the data. See T&C section 3.f for more information about how scales are choosen. """ def __init__(self, wavelet=None, N=None, dt=1, dj=1/16): """WaveletBasis(wavelet=MorletWave(), N=None, dt=1, dj=1/16) :param wavelet: wavelet basis function which takes two arguments. First arguement is the time to evaluate the wavelet function. The second is the scale or width parameter. The wavelet function should be normalized to unit weight at scale=1, and have zero mean. :param N: length of time domain data that will be transformed :param dt: sample cadence of data, needed for normalization of transforms :param dj: scale step size, used to determine the scales for the transform Note that the wavelet function used here has different requirements than ``scipy.signal.cwt``. The Ricker and Morlet wavelet functions provided in ``scipy.signal`` are incompatible with this function. The ``MorletWave`` and ``PaulWave`` callable objects provided in this module can be used, if initialized. """ if wavelet is None: wavelet = MorletWave() # default to Morlet, w0=6 if not isinstance(N, int): raise TypeError("N must be an integer") self._wavelet = wavelet self._dt = dt self._dj = dj self._N = N self._inv_root_scales = 1./np.sqrt(self.scales) # don't provide setters for properties! # all are determined at creation and frozen! @property def wavelet(self): """basis wavelet function""" return self._wavelet @property def dt(self): return self._dt @property def dj(self): return self._dj @property def N(self): return self._N @property def s0(self): if not hasattr(self, '_s0'): try: self._s0 = self.wavelet.nyquist_scale(self.dt) except AttributeError: self._s0 = 2*self.dt return self._s0 @property def scales(self): if not hasattr(self, '_scales'): self._scales = self._get_scales() return self._scales @property def M(self): if not hasattr(self, '_M'): self._M = len(self.scales) return self._M @property def times(self): """sample times of data""" if not hasattr(self, '_times'): self._times = np.arange(self.N) * self.dt return self._times @property def freqs(self): if not hasattr(self, '_freqs'): try: self._freqs = 1./self.wavelet.fourier_period(self.scales) except AttributeError: self._freqs = 1./self.scales return self._freqs
[docs] def cwt(self, tdat): """cwt(tdat) Computes the continuous wavelet transform of ``tdat``, using the wavelet function and scales of the WaveletBasis, using FFT convolution as in T&C. The FFT convolution is performed once at each wavelet scale, determining the frequecny resolution of the output. :param tdat: shape ``(N,)`` array of real, time domain data :returns: wdat shape ``(M,N)`` array of complex, wavelet domain data. ``M`` is the number of scales used in the transform, and ``N`` is the length of the input time domain data. """ if len(tdat) != self.N: raise ValueError("tdat is not length N={:d}".format(self.N)) dT = self.dt rdT = np.sqrt(dT) irs = self._inv_root_scales wdat = np.zeros((self.M, self.N), dtype=np.complex) for ii, s in enumerate(self.scales): #try: # L = 10 * self.wavelet.e_fold(s)/dT #except AttributeError: # L = 10 * s/dT L = 10 * s/dT if L > 2*self.N: L = 2*self.N ts = np.arange(-L/2, L/2) * dT # generate wavelet data norm = rdT * irs[ii] wave = norm * self.wavelet(ts, s) wdat[ii, :] = _fftconv(tdat, wave, mode='same') return wdat
[docs] def icwt(self, wdat): """icwt(wdat) Coputes the inverse continuous wavelet transform of ``wdat``, following T&C section 3.i. Uses the wavelet function and scales of the parent WaveletBasis. :param wdat: shape ``(M,N)`` array of complex, wavelet domain data. ``M`` is the number of frequency scales, and ``N`` is the number of time samples. :returns: tdat shape ``(N,)`` array of real, time domain data """ if not hasattr(self, '_recon_norm'): self._recon_norm = self._get_recon_norm() M = self.M N = self.N if wdat.shape != (M, N): raise ValueError("wdat is not shape ({0:d},{1:d})".format(M, N)) irs = self._inv_root_scales tdat = np.einsum('ij,i->j', np.real(wdat), irs) tdat *= self._recon_norm return tdat
def _get_scales(self): """_get_scales() Returns a list of scales in log2 frequency spacing for use in cwt. These are chosen such that ``s0`` is the smallest scale, ``dj`` is the scale step size, and log2(N) is the number of octaves. s_j = s0 * 2**(j*dj), j in [0,J] J = log2(N) / dj :returns: scales array of scale parameters, s, for use in ``cwt`` If the wavelet used contains a ``nyquist_scale()`` method, then the smallest scale will correspond to the Nyquist frequency and the largest will correspond to 1/(2*Tobs). """ N = self.N dj = s0 = self.s0 Noct = np.log2(N)+1 # number of scale octaves J = int(Noct / dj) # total number of scales s = [s0 * 2**(j * dj) for j in range(-4, J)] return np.array(s) def _get_recon_norm(self): """_get_recon_norm() Computes the normalization factor for the icwt a.k.a. time domain reconstruction. Note this is not C_delta from T&C, this is a normalization constant such that in the ICWT sum*norm = tdat. This constant eliminates some factors which explicitly cancel in later calculations, for example dj*dt**0.5/Psi0. """ N = self.N dt = self.dt scales = self.scales Psi_f = self.wavelet.freq # f-domain wavelet as f(w_k, s) w_k = 2*np.pi * np.fft.rfftfreq(N, dt) # Fourier freqs W_d = np.zeros_like(scales) for ii, sc in enumerate(scales): norm = np.sqrt(2*np.pi / dt) W_d[ii] = np.sum(Psi_f(w_k, s=sc).conj()) * norm W_d /= N return 1/np.sum(np.real(W_d))
[docs]class MorletWave(object): """Morlet-Gabor wavelet: a Gaussian windowed sinusoid w0 is the nondimensional frequency constant. This defines the base frequency and width of the mother wavelet. For small w0 the wavelets have non-zero mean. T&C set this to 6 by default. If w0 is set to less than 5, the modified Morlet wavelet with better low w0 behavior is used instead. """ def __init__(self, w0=6): """initialize Morlet-Gabor wavelet with frequency constant w0 """ self.w0 = w0 self._MOD = False if(w0 < 5.): self._MOD = True def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """default to time domain""" return self.time(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def time(self, t, s=1.0): """ Time domain complex Morlet wavelet, centered at zero. :param t: time :param s: scale factor :return psi: value of complex morlet wavelet at time, t The wavelets are defined by dimensionless time: x = t/s For w0 >= 5, computes the standard Morlet wavelet: psi(x) = pi**-0.25 * exp(1j*w0*x) * exp(-0.5*(x**2)) For w0 < 5, computes the modified Morlet wavelet: psi(x) = pi**-0.25 * (exp(1j*w0*x) - exp(-0.5*(x**2))) * exp(-0.5*(x**2)) """ t = np.asarray(t) w0 = self.w0 x = t/s psi = np.exp(1j * w0 * x) # base Morlet if self._MOD: psi -= np.exp(-0.5 * w0**2) # modified Morlet psi *= np.exp(-0.5 * x**2) * np.pi**(-0.25) return psi
[docs] def fourier_period(self, s): """The Fourier period of the Morlet wavelet with scale, s, given by: P = 4*pi*s / (w0 + sqrt(2 + w0**2)) """ w0 = self.w0 return 4*np.pi*s / (w0 + np.sqrt(2 + w0**2))
[docs] def nyquist_scale(self, dt=1): """s0 corresponding to the Nyquist period of wavelet s0 = 2*dt * (w0 + sqrt(2 + w0**2)) / (4*pi) for large w0 this is approximately dt*w0/pi """ w0 = self.w0 return dt * (w0 + np.sqrt(2 + w0**2)) / (2*np.pi)
[docs] def freq(self, w, s=1.0): """ Frequency domain representation of Morlet wavelet Note that the complex Morlet wavelet is real in the frequency domain. :param w: frequency :param s: scale factor :return psi: value of morlet wavelet at frequency, w Note there is no support for modified Morlet wavelets. The wavelets are defined by dimensionless frequency: y = w*s The standard Morlet wavelet is computed as: psi(y) = pi**-.25 * H(y) * exp((-(y-w0)**2) / 2) where H(y) is the Heaviside step function: H(y) = (y > 0) ? 1:0 """ w = np.asarray(w) H = np.zeros_like(w) # Heaviside array for vector inputs H[w>0] = 1. w0 = self.w0 y = w * s return H * np.pi**-.25 * np.exp(0.5 * (-(y - w0)**2))
[docs] def e_fold(self, s): """The e-folding time for the Morlet wavelet. """ return _SQRT2 * s
[docs]class PaulWave(object): """Paul wavelet of order m. By definition m is an integer, however in this implementation gamma functions are used in place of factorials, so non-integer values of m won't cause errors. """ def __init__(self, m=4): """ initialize Paul wavelet of order m. """ self.m = m def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """default to time domain""" return self.time(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def time(self, t, s=1.0): """ Time domain complex Paul wavelet, centered at zero. :param t: time :param s: scale factor :returns psi: value of complex Paul wavelet at time, t The wavelets are defined by dimensionless time: x = t/s psi(x) = (2*1j)**m * m! / (pi*(2m)!) * (1 - 1j*x)**-(m+1) """ t = np.asarray(t) m = self.m x = t / s psi = (2**m * 1j**m * _gam(1+m)) / np.sqrt(np.pi * _gam(1 + 2*m)) psi *= (1 - 1j*x) ** -(m+1) return psi
[docs] def fourier_period(self, s): """The Fourier period of the Paul wavelet given by: P = 4*pi*s / (2*m + 1) """ m = self.m return 4*np.pi*s / (2*m + 1)
[docs] def nyquist_scale(self, dt=1): """s0 corresponding to the Nyquist period of wavelet s0 = 2*dt (2*m + 1)/(4*pi) """ m = self.m return dt * (2*m+1)/(2*np.pi)
[docs] def freq(self, w, s=1.0): """ Frequency domain representation of Paul wavelet Note that the complex Paul wavelet is real in the frequency domain. :param w: frequency :param s: scale factor :returns psi: value of morlet wavelet at frequency, w wavelets are defined by dimensionless frequency: y = w*s The Paul wavelet is computed as: psi(y) = 2**m / np.sqrt(m * (2*m-1)!) * H(y) * (y)**m * exp(-y) where H(y) is the Heaviside step function: H(y) = (y > 0) ? 1:0 """ w = np.asarray(w) H = np.zeros_like(w) # Heaviside array for vector inputs H[w>0] = 1. m = self.m y = w * s psi = H * 2**m / np.sqrt(m * _gam(2*m)) psi *= y**m * np.exp(-y) return psi
[docs] def e_fold(self, s): """The e-folding time for the Morlet wavelet. """ return s / _SQRT2